Cirkuskroen is a small local pub near the water
It's one of many local pubs in Aarhus that have a few things in common
The beer you drink is Ceres Top
It's cheap
Cirkuskroen is a bit different as it is decorated with more than 1300 clown dolls
My choice of drink went to Ceres Top. Ceres used to be the town brewery, but as it got a bigger operator it was bought up or had a fusion with Thor/Albani/Faxe which are other regional danish standard pilsners. They now moved the production of all their brands to a factory somewhere I forgot, so it's not a local beer anymore
I drank quite a lot of Ceres Top over the years, and I still prefer this to other danish SIL's (Standard International Lagers). It's probably pure nostalgia. Aarhus Bryghus, a true local brewery makes a better pilsner and if you move to craft beer, we have a very small brewery called Humleland that makes great beers
Circuskroen has a website
If you want to try a good cold Ceres Top, I would go here. The clown dolls are a magnificient display. If Stephen King made you scared of clowns, don't come here. The staff and locals are very friendly
24 Bars in Aarhus MAP
great you made it!!!